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Workplace Violence

Additional Possible Solutions

  • Limit access to emergency department area and personnel, by implementing:
    • A waiting room area with controlled access to emergency department area. Patients must be buzzed in by receptionist from a secure door.
    • emergency department exits that exit out only, so people off the streets can't access the emergency department unless they enter through the waiting room area.
    • The use of metal detectors.
  • Provide a "secure" room for patients identified to be violent. This room could include controls such as:
    • video camera surveillance
    • visual surveillance with a window
    • door locks on patient rooms
    • bed with tie down straps
    • locked cabinets
    • furniture and equipment attached to the floor so patients can't throw them at employees

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-3. What is a possible solution emergency departments can implement to reduce workplace violence?