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807 Focus Four: Caught In/Between Hazards
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  1. OSHA Training Institute. (2011). Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards. Instructor Guide. Retrieved from: www.osha.gov/dte/outreach/construction/focus_four/
    1. OSHA Website
    2. Bureau of Labor Statistics Website
    3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    4. The Construction Chart Book (CPWR, 2007)
    5. Central New York COSH, 2007, Construction Safety & Health Fall Hazards Grantee
    6. module, Grant Number SH-16586-07-06-F-36 from OSHA
    7. CDC/NIOSH in partnership with CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training, Hollywood, Health and Society, and the Spanish-language network